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We value your cooperation with us and are aware how important the question of privacy is for you. The following Privacy Policy defines the rules for gathering, processing and using the personal details obtained from Users by

ul. Wolska 80, 08-450 Łaskarzew, Mazowieckie
Landline tel.: +48 25 684 69 89
Email: [email protected]
NIP: 826-18-60-220
REGON: 711791712

through the online store operating at By using this site, you accept the principles described in the Privacy Protection Policy below.

The online store makes every effort to ensure that your privacy is respected and personal data protected when you are using the Site and making purchases from the store, and we take all necessary action to this end.


The Personal Data Administrator is CARINII ZAKŁAD PRODUKCJI OBUWIA GRZEGORZ URAWSKI.The Administrator guarantees protection of the personal data provided by Users, which is collected and processed in accordance with the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended) and the Act of 18 July 2002 on Providing Services by Electronic Means (Journal of Laws No. 144 item 1204, as amended), and the Regulation of 29 April 2004 of the Minister of the Interior and Administration as regards personal data processing documentation and technical and organisational conditions which should be fulfilled by devices and computer systems used for personal data processing(Journal of Laws of 2004 No. 100, item 1024).

Data provided by Users will only be processed by the Website Administrator and it will not be entrusted to other entities.We will use your personal data for internal purposes, such as processing and filling orders, and keeping you informed of the current state of your order.

The ADMINISTRATOR stores and processes the following personal details of Users:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Address (street, building no., flat no., post code, town/city, country)
  • Delivery address (street, building no., flat no., post code, town/city, country)
  • Also company details, where applicable (name, address, tax no. (NIP), company ID (REGON))


The information above is provided voluntarily and requires your consent, and is necessary solely for the aforementioned purposes. We emphasise that you do not have to provide these details if you do not want to make use of the opportunities mentioned above.
You are entitled to access your personal data, and to correct it. To exercise this right, please use the option in your account, or email us at [email protected] or by phoning 25 684 69 89.




In order to fill an order, the online store may provide access to the data obtained from you to the following entities: the courier companies UPS, DHL, DPD, GLS, Poczta Polska and operators of payment systems such as Transferuj, Przelewy24 and PayPal. In such cases, the amount of data disclosed is limited to the required minimum.

In the event that you wish to withdraw consent expressed in this regard, please send a notification to the address [email protected].

In addition, information you have provided may be disclosed to competent public authorities if this is required by applicable legislation.



The online store does not collect any data automatically, apart from the data included in cookies while the Site is being used. Cookies are small text files sent by the online store and stored in your computer. They contain certain information connected with your use of the Site and Online Store. The cookies are used by the online store in order to operate the Site and to make it possible to provide you with information of interest, and also during the purchase process, e.g. in order to remember the purchases which you have made. The cookies used by the online store may be temporary or permanent. Temporary cookies are deleted when the browser is closed, while permanent cookies are stored even after you have finished using the Site. They serve to store information such as your password or login, which makes using the Site quicker and easier. In both cases, you can block the installation of cookies or delete permanent cookies by using the relevant option on your web browser. In case of problems, we advise you to use the browser's help file or contact the producer of the browser you are using. As well as cookies, the online store may also collect the data which is customarily gathered by internet systems administrators for logs or diary files. The information contained in logs may include your IP address, type of platform and web browser, internet provider and the address of the page from which you entered the Site. Certain subpages within the Site and other means of communication with you may contain so-called "web beacons” (i.e. electronic images). Web beacons (tags) allow information to be acquired, e.g. the IP address of the computer which has loaded the page containing the web beacon, the URL of the page, the loading time of the page, browser type, and information contained in cookies, in order to assess the effectiveness of our advertisements. This data will be archived and used for purposes of statistical analysis and assessment of the global traffic of Site users. This data will not be combined with the personal details you provide.



Commercial information will only be sent electronically (by email) in the event that you have consented to receive it in that form (subscribing to the newsletter). This consent may be withdrawn at any time.



We also collect information from you which is not personal data, e.g. information about the browser type, URL address of the previously visited website, your internet service provider, operating system and IP address. Non-personal information does not enable people to be easily identified. We can use your non-personal information to diagnose problems with our server and to administer our site. Your non-personal information can also be used to gather general demographic information, and to analyse customer traffic and use of the site. Information obtained in this way helps us to promote products and services, and to design the appearance and layout of the site.

Like almost every website with an online store, we also use cookies. Cookie files are parcels of information stored on the disk of your computer by the web browser. Although our cookies do not contain any personal data, they enable us to perform such functions as keeping products in a basket between one visit and the next, and during a visit to the store, and also let our site serve you in a more personalised way.

Users are entitled to:

  • access their personal data provided in connection with using the Website, to supplement, amend and update that data; the User executes these rights by completing and electronically sending the appropriate update form,
  • demand the temporary or permanent cessation of the processing of personal data, or its deletion, if it transpires to be incomplete, out of date, untrue or collected illegally,
  • object to the processing of their personal data – in the cases provided for by law – and to demand its removal once it is no longer necessary to achieve the aim for which it was collected.

Despite the service no longer being provided by the Website, the Administrator may process the User's personal data insofar as this is permissible by law or agreement, or necessary to:

  • settle payment for services or seek claims for such settlement,
  • clarify the circumstances of unauthorised use of the service, i.e. contrary to the regulations or applicable provisions for using the service,
  • provide Users with materials which advertise or promote the Website.

The Personal Data Administrator bears no responsibility for the content and data protection practices applied by other websitess whose links and addresses may be found on the pages or advertisements of the store at

The page may use personalised retargeting RTB.The User may cancel the retargeting used at